Either low
water pressure or high water pressure means a problem to be fixed to your
household plumbing. So don’t hesitate to spend some time in testing your water
pressure, find out the causes of the problem and do something to set the right
pressure that you need.
Low pressure
You may
notice low water pressure more often in the shower as the water is flowing
slowly and it’s hard to rinse away soap and the kitchen sink and storing water
might take forever to be done. To determine if the water pressure is right, you
may use a water pressure gauge that you may purchase from any plumbing shop in
A leaky pipe
would mean wasting water, increasing your bill and cause potential damage to
your home. For checking of leak, turn off first all appliances that use water
and see water meter reading. For two hours, stop using water and see if the
meter reading increased. If it did, then there’s a leak.
Low pressure
is a result of different factors including mineral deposit from hard water and
other pipe restriction, and even a low water municipality. For low water
municipality you can fix the low pressure by using pressure tank where you can
raise water pressure in your fixtures automatically.
High Pressure
Check if you
have excessive water pressure. You will feel that water comes too hard from the
fixture or you often hear a loud sound every time you turn off the faucet. Several
reasons are behind high water pressure which includes severe strain on pipes,
fixtures and fittings, low level home location or proximity to a huge building
with great water needs.
Hire a
plumber for pressure regulator installation on your main line. This is the most
efficient way to combat high pressure and save your pipes from further damage.
For more
information visit us at info@youplumbing.com.au